DOLPS – Difference of low pass 3x3x3 filters.


function call:




in_img1 -  input image, a DICOM image.


Return values

out_img1 – a DICOM image. Each value of the DICOM image is calculated as the difference between the input image low pass filtered 6 times and the input image lowpass filtered 3 times. Each low pass filtering is carried out with a 3x3x3 three dimensional kernel.



[filename, chosenDirectory] = uigetfile('*.dcm', 'Pick an M-file');

filePath = [chosenDirectory filename]; %complete path

stackOfImages=vsg('DICOMRead',filePath);  %4D array of data




1. For RGB images, the function operates on all colour planes together and returns a single average per slice for all of the colour planes.

2. Requires XMedCon software (version xmedcon-0.10.5-1-win32).

3. DICOM data should be in a separate folder.  

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