
Mask the image over 3 dimensions.


function call:




in_img1 -  input image, a DICOM image.

border – an integer specifying the size of the border which shall be placed on the image.



out_img1 – a DICOM image. Each value of the DICOM image is the same as the input image, except for the region around the edges in the x, y, and z dimensions where a black border of width border is drawn. The border being applied to the z dimension is equivalent to deleting that number of slices from the beginning and end of the image stack i.e. in the example provided, 20 slices will be masked out in the image stack.



[filename, chosenDirectory] = uigetfile('*.dcm', 'Pick an M-file');

filePath = [chosenDirectory filename]; %complete path

stackOfImages=vsg('DICOMRead',filePath);  %4D array of data




1. For RGB images, the function operates on all colour planes together and returns a single average per slice for all of the colour planes.

2. Requires XMedCon software (version xmedcon-0.10.5-1-win32).

3. DICOM data should be in a separate folder.  

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