Reads dicom file.


function call:

img = vsg('DICOMRead',’filename’);



file - input file name of a DICOM file format data.



The function reads a dicom file or all the dicom files from the specified folder suing the UID of DICOM files.

img – a two dimensional array of values or a three dimensional array of values.



[filename, chosenDirectory] = uigetfile('*.dcm', 'Pick an M-file');

filePath = [chosenDirectory filename]; %filePath contains the complete path of the dicom file.

stackOfImages=vsg('DICOMRead',filePath);  %one file or all the dicom file from the choosen directory



1. For RGB or Dicom images, the function operates on all colour planes or slices separately.

2. Dicom images require XMedCon software (version xmedcon-0.10.5-1-win32).

3. DICOM data must be in a separate folder.

4. DICOM data must be in separate slice per file format and not in multiple slice per file format.

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