
Connectivity detection in a thinned skeleton binary image. Mark points critical for connectivity in a 3x3 region.


function call:




in_img1 input image, 3 channel RGB, 1 channel greyscale or binary image, or DICOM image.



A connectivity detector shades the output image with 1’s to indicate the position of those points which are critical for connectivity (and which are white in the input image). Black points and those which are not critical for connectivity, are mapped to black in the output image. out_img1 – an image of the same dimensions as the input image and has a white pixel marked on it for every white pixel in the input image which is deemed to be important for object connectivity.



img = openimage('clock.gif');

h=figure;image(img);set(h,'Name','Input image');



h=figure;image(uint8(out_img1));set(h,'Name','Thin image');


h=figure;image(uint8(out_img1));set(h,'Name','Output of Connectivity Detection Function');


A connective pixel is deemed to be a pixel which if removed would cause the object to become broken. It is this pixel that is set to white in the output image. Ensure that binary images have a range of {0,255}.

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