
Skeleton corner detection from a binary image based on a 3x3 region.


function call:




in_img1 input image, 3 channel RGB, 1 channel greyscale or binary image, or DICOM image.



The CornerPoint function uses 3x3 masks of varying orientation to detect corner points in a binary image. It detects 3×3 corner points and replaces them by a single white pixel if the illustrated patterns occur (Ref). Otherwise, the output pixel (shaded) is set to black. out_img1 - An image which has dimensions the same as the input image. The output image displays the binary corner points.



img1 = openimage('A.bmp'); %color image






For non-binary images or colour-planes/slices, corner points must have exactly 0 and 255 values within the corner point detection kernel for that point to be flagged as a corner.


Ref: Paul F. Whelan and Derek Molloy, “Machine Vision Algorithm in Java – Techniques and implementation”, Springer, 2000.
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