Colour Space Functions
RGBToHSI Returns the input image represented in the HSI colour space
HSIToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the HSI colour space to the RGB colour space
RGBToCMY Returns the input image represented in the CMY colour space
CMYToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the CMY colour space to the RGB colour space
RGBToLAB Returns the input image represented in the LAB colour space
LABToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the LAB colour space to the RGB colour space
ViewLAB Scales each channel of the LAB colour space into the range 0-255
RGBToOpp Returns the input image represented in the Opponent colour space
OppToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the Opponent colour space to the RGB colour space
ViewOpp Scales each channel of the Opponent colour space into the range 0-255
RGBToXYZ Returns the input image represented in the XYZ colour space
XYZToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the XYZ colour space to the RGB colour space
ViewXYZ Scales each channel of the XYZ colour space into the range 0-255
RGBToYIQ Returns the input image represented in the YIQ colour space
YIQToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the YIQ colour space to the RGB colour space
ViewYIQ Scales each channel of the YIQ colour space into the range 0-255
RGBToYUV Returns the input image represented in the YUV colour space
YUVToRGB Returns the input image converted back from the YUV colour space to the RGB colour space
ViewYUV Scales each channel of the YUV colour space into the range 0-255
Colour Clustering Functions  
Cluster Returns the input image represented in the user specified number of colours. The colours are automatically chosen so as to minimise the error between the input and output images
SICluster Returns the input image represented in a fewer number of colours, which is automatically determined so as to minimise the error between the input and output images. The starting number of colours is 32. A second image is also returned containing colour numbers rather than the colours themeselves
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