DICOM Image Statistics Functions
DICOMAvg Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the average intensity of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMEnt Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale entropy of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMHi Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the highest greyscale value of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMKurt Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale kurtosis of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMLow Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the lowest greyscale value of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMMSE Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale mean-squared-error between corresponding single slices of the input DICOM images
DICOMSkew Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale skew of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMSTD Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale standard deviation of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMVar Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the greyscale variance of a single slice of the input DICOM image
DICOMCoHomog Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the homogeneity of a single slice of the input co-occurrence matrix stack, calculated from individual slices of a DICOM image
DICOMCoEnt Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the entropy of a single slice of the input co-occurrence matrix stack, calculated from individual slices of a DICOM image
DICOMCoEng Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the energy of a single slice of the input co-occurrence matrix stack, calculated from individual slices of a DICOM image
DICOMCoContrast Returns a vector, each value of which corresponds to the contrast of a single slice of the input co-occurrence matrix stack, calculated from individual slices of a DICOM image
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