
This operation requires coefficients to be specified in the form of a square, odd sized integer array.


function call:




in_img1 -  input image, a DICOM image.

conv_arr – a 9x3 convolution kernel, which is made up of three 3x3’s. Each of the 3x3’s is one of the slice in the 3x3x3 cube, each one running in the x-y plane.




out_img1 – a DICOM image. Each value is calculated as the convolution of the input image with the convolution kernel. The values are normalised to the range 0-255.



[filename, chosenDirectory] = uigetfile('*.dcm', 'Pick an M-file');

filePath = [chosenDirectory filename];

stackOfImages=vsg('DICOMRead',filePath);  %4D array of data

arraySize = ones(9,3);


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