Processing Functions
IntegrateC Returns an image of the running integral on each column, starting from the top, normalised by the image height
IntegrateR Returns an image of the running integral on each row, starting from the left, normalised by the image width
L2RSum Returns the integral on each row, starting from the left, normalised by the image width. Only the right most column of the output image is used to store the sum totals
RemIso Returns the input image with any single white pixels removed
B2TWash The output image will be set to white from the location of each white pixel in the input image and above that pixel
T2BWash The output image will be set to white from the location of each white pixel in the input image and below that pixel
L2RWash The output image will be set to white from the location of each white pixel in the input image and right of that pixel
R2LWash The output image will be set to white from the location of each white pixel in the input image and left of that pixel
HistEqualiser Flattens the input image histogram and reassigns the image values
Enhancer Stretches the entire input image histogram such that it has a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255 and reassigns the image values
Stretcher Stretches the segment between num1 and num2 of the input image histogram to fill the full range and reassigns the image values. Values outside of the range are set to black or white
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