
Closing operation with a user defined N×N structuring element.


function call:

[out_img1]=vsg('CloseNxN',in_img1, conv_arr);



in_img1 mask image, 3 channel RGB, 1 channel greyscale or binary image, or DICOM image.

conv_arr – an integer array specifying the mask with which the input image will be processed.



Closing is the dual morphological operation of opening. This transformation has the effect of filing in holes and blocking narrow valleys in the image set A, when a structuring element B is applied.

out_img1 – An image which has dimensions the same as the input image. This is the result of successive morphological dilation and erosion of the input image.



img = openimage('crown.jpg');

h=figure;image(uint8(img));set(h,'Name','Input image');



array = ones(5,5);



h=figure;image(uint8(out_img2));set(h,'Name','CloseNxN - binary image');

h=figure;image(uint8(out_img3));set(h,'Name','ClosenxN - grey scale image');


1. For DICOM images, the function operates on all slices separately.

2. For RGB images, the function operates on all colour planes separately.

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