3D Morphology Functions
Dilate3D Returns a DICOM image, each value of which is set as the maximum value in a three-dimensional kernel calculated in a 3x3x3 region of the input image
Erode3D Returns a DICOM image, each value of which is set as the minimum value in a three-dimensional kernel calculated in a 3x3x3 region of the input image
Close3D Returns a DICOM image, each value of which is the result of first doing a 3D dilate, followed by a 3D erode operation
Open3D Returns a DICOM image, each value of which is the result of first doing a 3D erode, followed by a 3D dilate operation
BeucherGrad3D Returns a DICOM image, each value of which is the result of subtracting a 3D eroded input image, from a 3D dilated input image
ReconByDil3D Returns two DICOM images. The first is the image that has been reconstructed from the seed and mask image, and the second image is the remainder image
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