



Data pre-









Automatic landmark localization


This task was aimed at implementing an algorithm providing state of the art performance. As it constitutes the input to any automated system, landmark identification should be robust to surface artifacts so that it allows geometric normalization into a common reference in a fully automatic manner.



Combinatorial Search and Shape Regression


We presented a method for the automatic detection of landmarks for craniofacial research that can handle missing points, allowing non-rigid deformations. Our algorithm, termed SRILF (Shape Regression with Incomplete Local Features [Sukno 2012a]), receives a set of 3D candidate points for each landmark (e.g. from a feature detector) and performs combinatorial search constrained by a deformable shape model.

A key assumption of our approach is that for some landmarks there might not be an accurate candidate in the input set. While many approaches try to retain large numbers of candidates to make sure that at least one will be reasonably close to the desired landmark position, SRILF determines the number of candidates as an upper outlier threshold from the distribution of false positives over a training set. This implies that, in the vast majority of cases, a candidate that is close enough to the target landmark will be detected, but a small proportion will be missed. Hence, for each targeted landmark there will be an initial set of candidates that may or may not contain a suitable solution and we need to match our set of target landmarks to a set of candidates that is potentially incomplete. This is analogous to the point-matching problem found in algorithms that search for correspondences. However, the human face is a non-rigid object and these point-matching algorithms are typically restricted to rigid transformations. We tackle this by detecting partial subsets of landmarks and inferring those that are missing so that the probability of the deformable model is maximized.

An indicative example of the different steps is provided in Fig 1. The first step that is displayed corresponds to a subset of 4 candidates that fulfils the model constraints. Note that, although the resulting shape is plausible, the inferred locations of the remaining 7 points are not very accurate. The next step is to try including candidates from the remaining landmarks. The nose tip is the one that achieves the lowest cost of inclusion, and is therefore added. This considerably improves the accuracy of the inferred shape. Inclusions continue, one at a time, until reaching 9 candidate-based landmarks. All remaining candidates are checked, but in this case none of them produces a plausible instance with 10 candidates. Hence, the final positions for the remaining two landmarks are determined by inference.


Fig. 1- Example of the SRILF algorithm targeting 11 land-marks: nose root (n) and tip prn), chin tip (pg), inner (en) and outer (ex) eye corners, nose corners ac) and mouth corners (ch). The top row shows the facial surface with the retained candidates for each land-mark (left), as described by the legend box, and a subset of 4 can-didates identified as a plausible instance of the shape model (right). The identified candidates are high-lighted by red circles and the resul-ting shape (completed by inference) is indicated with solid lines. The bottom row shows further addi-tions to the initial set. Video examples are also available here.


We demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed method in a set of 144 facial scans acquired by means of a hand-held laser scanner in the context of clinical craniofacial dysmorphology research [Hennessy 2002]. Using spin images [Johnson 1999] to describe the geometry and targeting 11 facial landmarks, we obtained an average error of approximately 3 mm, which compares favorably with other state of the art approaches based on geometric descriptors.

Further details are provided in the following publication:


F.M. Sukno, J.L. Waddington and P.F. Whelan; “3D Facial Landmark Localization using Combinatorial Search and Shape Regression” Proc. 5th ECCV Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment, Firenze, Italy, LNCS vol. 7583, pp 32-41, 2012.



Asymmetry Patterns Shape Contexts


We presented a new family of 3D geometry descriptors based on asymmetry patterns from the popular 3D Shape Contexts (3DSC) [Frome 2004]. Our approach resolves the azimuth ambiguity of 3DSC, thus providing rotational invariance, at the expense of a marginal increase in computational load, outperforming previous algorithms dealing with azimuth ambiguity.

We build on a recently presented measure of approximate rotational symmetry in 2D [Guo 2010], defined as the overlapping area between a shape and rotated versions of itself. We show that such a measure can be extended to 3DSC and derive asymmetry based on the absolute differences between overlapping bins of the descriptor and rotated versions of itself. Both measures depend of the rotation angle but not on the selection of the origin of azimuth bins, which allows us to obtain patterns that capture the rotational asymmetry of the descriptor over the azimuth but are invariant to the rotation of its bins.

The asymmetry patterns can be defined in a variety of ways, depending on the spatial relationships that need to be highlighted or disabled. Thus, we define Asymmetry Patterns Shape Contexts (APSC) from a subset of the possible spatial relations present in the spherical support region; hence they can be thought of as a family of descriptors that depend on the subset that is selected.

The possibility to define APSC descriptors by selecting diverse spatial patterns from a 3DSC has two important advantages: 1) choosing the appropriate spatial patterns can considerably reduce the errors obtained with 3DSC when targeting specific types of points; 2) once an APSC descriptor is built, additional ones can be built with only incremental cost. Therefore, it is possible to use a pool of APSC descriptors to maximize accuracy without a large increase in computational cost.

We have experimentally showed that it is possible to attain rotationally invariant shape contexts that obtain comparable accuracy to 3DSC for the localization of craniofacial landmarks and remarkably outperform 3DSC for specific points like the outer eye corners and nose corners [Sukno 2013a].

Further details are provided in the following publication:


F.M. Sukno, J.L. Waddington and P.F. Whelan; “Rotationally Invariant 3D Shape Contexts Using Asymmetry Patterns” Proc. 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, pp 7–17, 2013 – BEST PAPER AWARD



Compensating inaccurate annotations to train 3D facial landmark localization models


The results from automatic methods for landmark localization in 3D indicate that the most prominent facial landmarks can be located with errors varying between 3 and 6 mm, with some advantage to algorithms incorporating texture over those based purely on geometric features. In global terms, targeting sets between 5 and 15 landmarks, the overall errors reported are typically above 4 mm. However, these errors seem considerably higher than the localization accuracy that might be achieved by means of manual annotations. Indeed, results from clinical research suggest that the errors of manual annotations for several facial landmarks can be as low as 1 to 2 mm.

Recently, we have shown that the above discrepancy could partly be explained due to the lack of consistency of the manual annotations currently available for public databases such as FRGC (Face Recognition Grand Challenge [Phillips 2005]). In contrast to traditional measures of accuracy, such as inter- and intra-observer variability, we base our analysis on the consistency of annotations by comparing the inter-landmark distances of replicates (i.e. different scans from the same individual). It is widely accepted that, except for the lower part of the face (mouth and chin), the pairwise distances between anthropometric landmarks should remain unchanged for different scans of the same individual. Thus, we can objectively measure how consistent are the annotations on a given dataset without the need to generate repeated markups.

Notice that consistency of annotations is a necessary but not sufficient condition for accuracy. Hence, lack of consistency implies lack of accuracy, with negative effects not only on the evaluation results but also on the accuracy of any model that is created using these annotations as a training set. The latter relates to the problem of learning with noisy data, which has been extensively studied in machine learning. The problem of inaccurate annotations can be thought of as class-label noise (i.e. the wrong coordinates in the facial scan are labelled as the ground truth landmark position), as opposed to attribute noise which occurs when the uncertainty affects primarily the extracted features (e.g. acquisition noise).

It has been shown that the impact of class-label noise in learning algorithms is twofold: 1) it reduces the classification accuracy, and 2) it increases the complexity of the classifier (when this is allowed by the algorithm, e.g. if using support vector machines or decision trees). A popular approach to mitigate these effects has been trying to identify (and eliminate) the samples that are mislabelled.

An interesting difference in our case is that for each mislabelled sample we certainly know that there is a correct sample readily available. That is, a set of coordinates incorrectly labelled as the ground truth position of the nose tip could be ideally replaced by the correct set of coordinates, which are hopefully not too far away. Thus, we do not need to discard these samples but we may actually attempt to correct them. With this in mind, we presented an algorithm that aims to automatically correct the annotations on a training set [Sukno 2013b]. It works under the hypotheses that the majority of annotations are approximately correct and that a local geometry descriptor can be used to estimate corresponding points across different surfaces. The corrected annotations are obtained as those with the Least Squared Corrections of Uncertainty (LSCU) from the initial ones that achieve maximum similarity of the local geometry descriptor for a given uncertainty radius. This radius is the only parameter of the algorithm and indicates the maximum noise level that we expect from the input annotations.




Fig. 2- Repeatability errors of inter-landmark distances for two sets of manual annotations on a subset of 100 scans from the FRGC database (details in [Sukno 2013b]. Annotations from the first set (left) were derived from 2D data and are considerably suboptimal with respect to the second set (right), derived from 3D. However, the first set is the most commonly used gold-standard in the field.


Experiments on a set of noisy annotations publicly available for 100 scans in the FRGC database showed that models built from annotations corrected by LSCU were significantly more accurate than models built from the original annotations. The only parameter of the algorithm, the uncertainty radius, controls the maximum displacement that is allowed for the corrections and we showed that its choice has a fairly limited impact. Results from the public annotations were also compared to our own set of manual annotations (available here). We objectively showed that the latter has higher consistency, which allowed construction of more accurate models. Applying LSCU to this set of cleaner annotations did not produce significant changes, which suggests that the algorithm does not distort the input data. Additionally, we showed that by applying LSCU to the public annotations, it is possible to build models that obtain accuracy similar to those built on our own set of cleaner annotations.

Further details are provided in the following publication:


F.M. Sukno, J.L. Waddington and P.F. Whelan; “Compensating inaccurate annotations to train 3D facial landmark localization models” Proc. FG Workshop on 3D Face Biometrics, Shanghai, China, pp 1-8, 2013.






[Frome 2004] A. Frome, D. Huber, R., Kolluri et al. (2004). Recognizing objects in range data using regional point descriptors. In Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 224–237, 2004.

[Guo 2010] Q. Guo, F. Guo, and J. Shao (2010). Irregular shape symmetry analysis: Theory and application to quantitative galaxy classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(10):1730–1743, 2010.

[Johnson 1999] A.E. Johnson and M. Hebert (1999). Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 21(5): 433–449, 1999.

[Hennessy 2002] R.H. Hennessy, A. Kinsella, and J.L. Waddington (2002). 3D laser surface scanning and geometric morphometric analysis of craniofacial shape as an index of cerebro-craniofacial morphogenesis: initial application to sexual dimorphism. Biological Psychiatry, 51(6):507–514. 2002.

[Phillips 2005] P.J. Phillips, P.J. Flynn, T. Scruggs et al. (2005) Overview of the face recognition grand challenge. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol 1, pp. 947–954, 2005.

[Sukno 2012a] F.M. Sukno, J.L Waddington, and P.F. Whelan. 3D Facial Landmark Localization Using Combinatorial Search and Shape Regression.  ECCV Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment, LNCS vol. 7583, pp 32–41, 2012.

[Sukno 2013a] F.M. Sukno, J.L Waddington, and P.F. Whelan. Rotationally invariant 3D shape contexts using asymmetry patterns. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics Theory and App., pages 7–17, 2013.

[Sukno 2013b] F.M. Sukno, J.L Waddington, and P.F. Whelan. Compensating inaccurate annotations to train 3D facial landmark localization models, FG Workshop on 3D Face Biometrics Workshop, pp 1-8, 2013.





